DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I3.3418


A study protocol of maternal serum anti-mullerian hormone levels in antenatal women as predictor of preeclampsia

Krutika Bhalerao, Sandhya Pajai

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Wardha, Maharashtra, India


Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy disease that affects many systems in women who were previously normotensive and develop high blood pressure after 20 weeks of pregnancy. This study aims to see if serum anti-malaria hormone levels between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy have any link to preeclampsia, and if so, what function it plays in the pathogenesis and prevention of preeclampsia and subsequent cardiovascular abnormalities later in life. This study will be conducted on 350 antenatal women who will be subjected for serum anti-malarial hormone (AMH). Women with altered values will be divided into two groups and will be followed till 7 days postpartum for development of pre-eclampsia and pregnancy outcome. Various studies have been carried out in developed countries have proven the association between AMH and preeclampsia but also the long-term effect on the cardiovascular system. This study will emphasize the role of AMH in a developing country like India where the burden of pre-eclampsia is high and one of the third important cause of maternal mortality. The prospective outcomes of this will help in prediction of preeclampsia and timely treatment with low dose aspirin which may prevent life threatening complications.


Anti-Mullerian hormone, preeclampsia, Antenatal, women, Predictor, fetal and maternal outcome

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