Human And Animal Rights

Human and Animal Rights Policy

1. Ethical Considerations

The Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences (JMPAS) is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in research involving human subjects and animals. This policy outlines the principles and guidelines that authors, reviewers, editors, and journal staff must adhere to when reporting on studies that involve humans and animals.

2. Human Rights

2.1. Informed Consent: Authors conducting research involving human subjects must obtain informed consent from all participants or their legal guardians before the study commences. The consent process should be clearly described in the manuscript, ensuring that participants are aware of the study's objectives, methods, and potential risks, and that they voluntarily agree to participate.

2.2. Confidentiality: Authors must ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of human subjects, protecting their personal and sensitive information from being disclosed in the manuscript. Any identifiable information should only be included with explicit consent or when necessary for the scientific context.

2.3. Ethical Approval: Studies involving human subjects must have received approval from the appropriate institutional review boards (IRBs) or ethics committees. Authors are required to provide details of the approval in the manuscript, including the name of the ethics committee and the approval reference number.

3. Animal Rights

3.1. Ethical Treatment: Authors must ensure that all research involving animals complies with the relevant national and international guidelines and regulations concerning the ethical treatment of animals. Studies should aim to minimize the number of animals used and any potential harm they may experience.

3.2. Animal Welfare: Authors should provide evidence that they have considered the welfare of animals involved in the research. This includes providing appropriate housing, feeding, and veterinary care to ensure the animals' well-being during the study.

3.3. Ethical Approval: Research involving animals must have been approved by the appropriate animal ethics committee. Authors should state the name of the committee and the approval reference number in the manuscript.

4. Clinical Trials

4.1. Registration: Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences supports the prospective registration of clinical trials in publicly accessible databases. Authors reporting on clinical trials should provide registration details, including the trial registration number, in the manuscript.

4.2. CONSORT Guidelines: Authors conducting clinical trials must adhere to the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines when preparing their manuscripts. The CONSORT checklist should be followed to ensure transparent and comprehensive reporting of the trial.

5. Plagiarism and Misconduct

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences takes a zero-tolerance approach to plagiarism and research misconduct. All submissions are rigorously screened for potential plagiarism and unethical behavior. Authors found in violation of these ethical standards may face retraction of their articles and be subject to further action as per the journal's policies.

6. Education and Awareness

Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences will actively promote awareness of ethical considerations in research involving humans and animals by providing educational resources to authors, reviewers, and editorial board members.

7. Review and Revision of the Human and Animal Rights Policy

This policy will be reviewed periodically and revised as necessary to align with emerging ethical standards and best practices in scientific publishing.

Adopted by the Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences on 16/09/2023.