Notes and Commenting Functions

Notes & Commenting

At the Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences (JMPAS), we encourage scholarly engagement and collaboration through our notes and commenting functions. These features are designed to enhance the discourse around published articles and foster a dynamic exchange of ideas within the scientific community.

1. Notes:

  • Purpose: Notes provide an opportunity for readers to share brief insights, clarifications, or additional information related to specific sections or points within an article.
  • Functionality: Readers can submit notes directly on the article's webpage. These notes are visible to other readers and can contribute to a deeper understanding and discussion of the published content.
  • Guidelines: Notes should be concise and directly relevant to the article's content. They are intended to supplement the main text and enrich the reader's experience.

2. Commenting Functions:

  • Purpose: Commenting allows for in-depth discussions and critiques of the article's methodology, findings, implications, and broader context.
  • Functionality: Registered users can post comments directly on the article page. Comments are moderated to ensure they meet scholarly standards and contribute constructively to the academic discourse.
  • Guidelines: Comments should be substantive, respectful, and evidence-based. They should engage with the article's content and contribute to the ongoing scholarly conversation.


  • Enhanced Interaction: Notes and comments facilitate interaction between authors, readers, and researchers, fostering a collaborative environment.
  • Clarity and Insight: Readers can gain further insights, perspectives, and clarifications directly from peers and experts in the field.
  • Continuous Learning: These functions support continuous learning and professional development by encouraging ongoing engagement with published research.

Community Guidelines:

  • Respectful Dialogue: All interactions should be conducted with respect for differing viewpoints and academic integrity.
  • Relevance: Contributions should be relevant to the article and contribute meaningfully to the discussion.
  • Moderation: JMPAS moderates notes and comments to maintain quality and uphold scholarly standards.

By leveraging notes and commenting functions, JMPAS aims to enrich the scholarly experience and advance knowledge in medical and pharmaceutical sciences. We invite all readers, authors, and researchers to actively participate in this collaborative platform.

For more information or to start engaging with our articles, visit


Note: Specific details and functionalities of notes and commenting functions may vary. Please refer to the journal’s website for the most current information and guidelines.