Informed Consent

Informed Consent Policy for Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JMPAS)


The Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences (JMPAS) is dedicated to promoting ethical research practices and protecting the rights and welfare of research participants. This Informed Consent Policy outlines the journal's requirements for authors when reporting on research involving human subjects, ensuring that proper informed consent has been obtained from participants.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences  requires all authors to comply with the ethical principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki, the Belmont Report, and other relevant international guidelines and regulations concerning research involving human subjects. Authors must provide explicit evidence that their studies have been conducted in accordance with these ethical standards.

Informed Consent Requirements

Consent Documentation

Authors must provide a detailed description of how informed consent was obtained from study participants. The consent process should include clear and easily understandable information about the purpose of the research, the procedures involved, potential risks and benefits, confidentiality measures, and the voluntary nature of participation. Authors should specify the form of consent obtained (written, verbal, or electronic) and retain appropriate documentation of consent, as required by their local ethical review boards or institutional policies.

Consent for Publication

Authors should also seek consent from research participants to publish the research findings, ensuring that participants understand that their anonymized data may be shared in a scientific publication. If participants do not provide consent for publication, the authors should respect their decision, and no identifiable information should be included in the manuscript.

Consent for Images and Identifiable Data

If the research involves the use of images or other identifiable data, such as photographs, video recordings, or audio recordings, authors must obtain explicit consent from the individuals involved. For cases where obtaining consent is not feasible, authors should provide a strong justification and ensure that the images or data are appropriately anonymized to protect the participants' identities.

Confidentiality and Data Protection

Authors should assure participants that their personal information will be treated with strict confidentiality and that any published results will not include any identifiable information. Authors must comply with data protection laws and regulations applicable in their respective countries.

Research Involving Vulnerable Populations

For research involving vulnerable populations, such as children, individuals with cognitive impairments, or prisoners, authors must provide additional safeguards to protect participants' rights and well-being. Researchers should obtain informed consent from legally authorized representatives when appropriate and ensure that the research design and procedures are ethically justified.

Compliance with Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and Ethics Committees

Authors conducting research involving human subjects should obtain approval from the relevant Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) or Ethics Committees. Proof of ethical approval, including the name of the committee and the approval reference number, must be provided in the manuscript.

Education and Compliance

Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences  will actively promote awareness of ethical considerations in research through educational initiatives and will regularly review submissions to ensure adherence to this Informed Consent Policy.


8. Review and Revision of the Informed Consent Policy


This policy will be periodically reviewed and revised as necessary to align with evolving ethical standards and best practices in medical and pharmaceutical research.


Adopted by the Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences on 27/07/2023