Advertising Policy

The Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences (JMPAS) is dedicated to maintaining integrity, transparency, and professionalism across all its operations, including advertising. This policy sets forth guidelines to ensure that advertisements in JMPAS are authentic, original, and free from plagiarism.

Advertising Content Guidelines

Advertisements submitted to JMPAS must be original and specifically created for publication in the journal. Advertisers are prohibited from copying or reproducing content from other sources without proper authorization. Additionally, advertisements must not infringe upon any intellectual property rights of third parties, including copyrights, trademarks, or patents.

Citing Sources and Giving Credit

When advertisements reference third-party data, research, or content, proper attribution must be provided. Advertisers must include citations and references to acknowledge the original creators. Permission from copyright holders is mandatory before using any copyrighted material in advertisements.

Use of Licensed Material

Advertisements containing licensed or copyrighted material (e.g., images, videos, music) must have appropriate permissions, licenses, or rights. Advertisers are responsible for obtaining these and providing proof upon request.

Editorial Review Process

All advertising content undergoes a rigorous editorial review to ensure compliance with plagiarism guidelines and uphold the journal's authenticity. The review includes checks for originality, proper citation, and adherence to intellectual property rights.

Consequences of Plagiarism

Advertisers found engaging in plagiarism or violating intellectual property rights will have their advertisements rejected immediately. Repeated offenses may result in a ban on future advertising with JMPAS. Significant or deliberate plagiarism may be reported to relevant authorities.

Reporting Plagiarism

JMPAS encourages stakeholders to report suspected plagiarism in advertisements to the editorial team via email or through the official website. Reports are handled confidentially, and reporters are protected from adverse consequences.

Training and Awareness

Employees involved in the advertising process receive periodic training on plagiarism, copyright laws, and the importance of original content creation.

Compliance with Local Laws

Advertisers must comply with local laws regarding advertising, copyright, and plagiarism. JMPAS recognizes and expects adherence to regional regulations.

Review and Updates

This policy is periodically reviewed to ensure relevance and effectiveness in preventing plagiarism. Updates are communicated to all relevant parties.

By adhering to these guidelines, JMPAS aims to uphold the highest ethical standards and offer valuable advertising opportunities while safeguarding the integrity of its publication.