Advertising Policy

Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences (JMPAS) Advertising Policy

1. Introduction

The Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Allied Sciences (JMPAS) is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and professionalism in all aspects of its operations, including advertising practices. This policy outlines the guidelines and requirements for advertising in JMPAS, ensuring that all advertisements are authentic, original, and free from plagiarism.

2. Advertising Content Guidelines

All advertising content submitted to JMPAS must be original and created specifically for publication in our journal. Advertisers must not copy or reproduce content from other sources without proper authorization.

Advertisements should not infringe upon any intellectual property rights, including copyright, trademarks, or patents, of any third party.


3. Citing Sources and Giving Credit

If an advertisement references or relies on third-party data, research, or content, proper attribution must be provided. Citations and references should be included to acknowledge the original creators.

Advertisers are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders before using any copyrighted material in their advertisements.

4. Use of Licensed Material

Advertisements that include licensed or copyrighted material (e.g., images, videos, music) must have the appropriate permissions, licenses, or rights to use such content. Advertisers are responsible for obtaining necessary licenses and providing proof of permission upon request.

5. Editorial Review Process

All advertising content will undergo a thorough editorial review process before publication. This review will ensure that the advertisements comply with our plagiarism-proof guidelines and uphold the journal's reputation for authenticity.

The editorial team at JMPAS will conduct checks for originality, proper citation, and compliance with intellectual property rights.

6. Consequences of Plagiarism

Advertisers found to be involved in plagiarism or any violation of intellectual property rights will face immediate rejection of their advertisements. Repeated violations may lead to a ban on advertising with JMPAS in the future.

In case of deliberate and significant plagiarism, JMPAS reserves the right to report the incident to relevant authorities.

7. Reporting Plagiarism

JMPAS encourages readers, authors, and stakeholders to report suspected cases of plagiarism in advertising materials to the editorial team. Reports can be made via email or through our official website.

Reports will be treated confidentially, and individuals who report suspected cases of plagiarism will not face any adverse consequences for their actions.

8. Training and Awareness

All employees and stakeholders involved in the advertising process will receive periodic training and awareness programs on plagiarism, copyright laws, and the importance of creating original content.

9. Compliance with Local Laws

JMPAS acknowledges that different regions may have specific laws and regulations concerning advertising, copyright, and plagiarism. Advertisers must ensure compliance with applicable local laws when submitting advertisements.

10. Review and Updates

This advertising policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and effective in preventing plagiarism.

JMPAS reserves the right to update this policy as needed and communicate changes to all relevant parties.

By adhering to this advertising policy, JMPAS aims to maintain the highest standards of ethics and professionalism while offering valuable advertising opportunities to companies and organizations seeking to reach our diverse readership.