DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I6.4369


Relevant factors for dental care in planning the response against covid-19 - a narrative review

Thadeu Laranja Aires, Inês Lopes Cardoso, Cristina Pina, Ana Moura Teles

Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal.

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Thadeu Laranja Aires, Inês Lopes Cardoso, Cristina Pina, Ana Moura Teles, 2022. Relevant factors for dental care in planning the response against covid-19 - a narrative review. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied science V 11 - I 6, Pages - 5217 – 5224. Doi: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I5.4369.


The main objective of this work was to analyze, through a review of current references, how different factors correlate to shape the response measures implemented by health authorities to the ongoing pandemic event, in the context of dental care.The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed more than 14million lives directly or indirectly, being a special challenge for society and health care systems. The role of dentists during a pandemic crisis is to provide essential dental care while preventing transmission of the virus. However, this virus has some traits that may increase the risk of cross infection in dental offices, due to aerosols produced during several dental treatments. To address this problem, health authorities have prepared specific protocols to prevent cross-contamination by this virus in dental offices, allowing patients to continue receiving dental care during the pandemic period.


Pandemic Preparedness; Pandemic Response; COVID-19; Dentistry; Infection Control

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