DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I6.4604


Hydrogen peroxide formulations and methods of their use for blood oxygen saturation

Petr D Shabanov, Evgeny L Fisher, Aleksandr L Urakov

Department of Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology, Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk,Russia

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Petr D Shabanov, Evgeny L Fisher, Aleksandr L Urakov, 2022. Hydrogen peroxide formulations and methods of their use for blood oxygen saturation. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences, V 11 - I 6, Pages - 5489 – 5493. Doi: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I6.4604.


The antiseptic hydrogen peroxide is widely used in the treatment of various septic wounds and abrasions and injuries at home. In addition, in recent years there have been reports on the possibility of using hydrogen peroxide as an antihypoxant.Analysis of the results showed that unique formulations of hydrogen peroxide solutions and antihypoxic technologies of their use for pharmacological and cold support of organ and tissue function under hypoxic conditions without the use of gaseous oxygen were developed.The innovative technology is based on the local cooling of a selected area of the body while injecting a hydrogen peroxide solution of the "right" formulation.A hydrogen peroxide solution of the "right" formulation has been shown to be an alternative to arterial blood for oxygen-deficient tissues because hydrogen peroxide increases the oxygen content of tissues, including venous blood, which it converts to arterial blood because it forms oxyhemoglobin.


Hydrogen Peroxide, Oxygen, Blood Oxygenation, Hypoxia, Ischaemia, Temperature.

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