Blood pressure- lowering and anti-obesity potential of sacha inchi tempeh (plukenetia volubilisl.) : Study in metabolic syndrome rats

Muhammad Dzulkha Ikhsanul Fikri, Amalia Rani Setyawati, Nafisah, Gemala Anjani, Ahmad Syauqy, Endang Mahati, Made Astawan, Irma Sarita Rahmawati, Irwandi Jaswir, Diana Nur Afifah*

Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

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Muhammad Dzulkha Ikhsanul Fikri, Amalia Rani Setyawati, Nafisah, Gemala Anjani, Ahmad Syauqy, Endang Mahati, Made Astawan, Irma Sarita Rahmawati, Irwandi Jaswir, Diana Nur Afifah, 2024. Blood pressure - lowering and anti-obesity potential of sacha inchi tempeh (plukenetia volubilis l) study in metabolic syndrome rats. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences, V 13 - I 3, Pages- 6640 – 6647. Doi:


Metabolic syndrome is an error in metabolism characterized by dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, hypertension, and central obesity which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Prevention of metabolic syndrome is by consuming foods that contain high levels of bioactive compounds, for example, sacha inchi. Tempeh is a fermented food native to Indonesia which can increase the content of antioxidants and phenolic compounds which can help cure metabolic syndrome and hypertension. This is an experimental study with a pre-test and post-test with a control group as the design with the independent variable sacha inchi tempeh and the dependent variables blood pressure and Lee index. The number of rats samples was 36 and divided into 6 groups, namely K0 as healthy control, K- as diseased control, K+ (Simvastatin 0.18 g), P1 (0.9 dose), P2 (1.8 dose) and P3 (dose 3.6) and given intervention for 35 days. Data analysis used the statistical application of the Paired T-test and one-way ANOVA test, followed by the LSD post-hoc analysis. The results obtained by blood pressure and Lee index were P=<0.005 and the ANOVA results showed significant results (P=<0.05) in each group with the most effective treatment being P2. Conclusion: Sacha Inchi tempeh has an effect in improving b in metabolic syndrome rats, blood pressure, and Lee index with P2 as the most effective treatment and the effect is the same as medication so it can be used as an alternative functional food for metabolic syndrome individuals.


Blood Pressure, Obesity, Lee Index, Metabolic Syndrome, Sacha Inchi, Tempeh.

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