Cutting-edge developments in acute myeloid leukaemia: innovations in diagnosis and treatment

Monalisha Pal*, Prerna Bhandari, Neelam, Nikita, Garima Pant, Avadhesh Tripathi

Department of Community Health Nursing, Sharda School of Nursing Science and Research, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Monalisha Pal, Prerna Bhandari, Neelam, Nikita, Garima Pant, Avadhesh Tripathi, 2024. Cutting-edge developments in acute myeloid leukaemia: innovations in diagnosis and treatment. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences, V 13 - I 4, Pages - 6704 – 6708. Doi:


Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) is a fast-growing hematologic malignancy that is distinguished by the clonal proliferation of myeloid progenitors in bone marrow. Recent advances in molecular biology and genomic technology have altered the landscape of AML diagnosis and therapy, resulting in more tailored and successful therapeutic approaches. This study reviews recent innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of AML, focusing on genomic profiling, next-generation sequencing (NGS), and novel targeted therapies. Data was collected from recent clinical trials, peer-reviewed journals, and case studies. Comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of emerging diagnostic tools and treatments. NGS and MRD monitoring have greatly improved diagnosis accuracy and therapy customization. Targeted medicines have enhanced remission rates and decreased recurrence rates in individuals with certain genetic alterations. Immunotherapies have showed long-term efficacy and controllable safety profiles. Combining modern diagnostic technologies with customized medicines ushers in a new era of AML care, enhancing prognosis and quality of life. Ongoing research and clinical trials are critical for improving these therapies and expanding their advantages to a larger patient group.


Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS), Minimal Residual Disease, Targeted Therapy, Immunotherapy, CAR-T cells, Genetic Profiling.

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