Ajay Shukla*, Rajesh Shukla
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Ajay Shukla, Rajesh Shukla, 2014. In-vitro antioxidant activity of garcina cambogia fruits. Journal of medical pharmaceutical and allied sciences, V 3 - I 3, Pages -208 – 210. Doi:
The object of this research work to isolate the total phenol and flavonoid content and to determine in-vitro antioxidant activity of water fruit extract of garcina cambogia. The raw, dry fruit powder was extract with distilled water by microwaves method of green technology. Test shows that extract contains higher level of total phenol and flavonoid. The total phenolic acid equivalent (r2 = 0.985) and total flavonoid content was found to be 137.27 μg/g of extract calculated as Gallic quarcetin equivalent (r2 = 0.997). The water extract was evaluated for potential antioxidant activities using by hydroxyl radical-scavenging activity method, reducing power activity, and hydrogen peroxide-scavenging activity. The in-vitro antioxidant assay showed garcina cabbogia possess potent antioxidant activity when compared with standard compound ascorbic acid. garcina cabbogia are useful in various preparation of neutraceuticals, and as potent source of antioxidant to treat various human diseases .
In-Vitro antioxidant, phenol, reducing power, scavenging activity, garcina cambogia.