Herbal Nanotherapeutics: A noval approach for herbal drug delivery system

Prakash Pandey*1, Ashish Garg2, Ajay Shukla3

1- Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur, India.
2- Department of Pharmaceutical Science, Guru Ramdas Khalsa Institute of Science and Technology Pharmacy, Jabalpur, India.
3- Quality Control Department, Jubilant Life Science Limited, Roorkee, India.


Herbal treatment has been widely used around the globe since ancient times. The advancement of phytochemical and phytopharmacological sciences has enabled to characterize and identified of the composition and pharmacological activities of plant products. The effectivity of many of the variety of species of herbal medicinal plants are depends upon the presence of its active constituents. Many of the phytochemical component generally obtained by extracts, such as carbohydrate, flavonoids, glycosides, tannins, steroid and terpenoids. Some of the component are soluble in water but they have lower the rate of pharmacological activity, because they are unable to cross the biological cell membrane, which is lipidic in nature, thus the particles are poorly absorbed, resulting in lower the rate of bioavailability and efficacy in this way some of extracts are not used clinically because of these obstaclesand lower the rate of bioavailabiliy and higher the side effect. So now a days the herbal nanotechnology system has been widely proposed to overcome these type of problems, because nanostructured systems may have potential candidate for drug delivery and therapeutics system as well as decrease the side effect and loss of drug and increases the rate of transportation of drug through the biological membrane and this way it might be able to potentiate the action of plant extracts, reducing the required dose and side effects, and improving activity. Nanosystems can deliver the active constituent of herbals at a sufficient or minimum concentration during the entire treatment period, directing it to the desired site of action. Conventional treatments do not meet these requirements. The purpose of this study is to review a noval approach for delivery of herbal drug system via nanostructred herbal system.

Keywords: Nanotechnology, natural products, drug delivery, bioavailability, herbal medicines, biological activity.

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