DOI: 10.22270/jmpas.V10I3.1157
Khobragade P*, Rathi B, Hande M, Nagpure S
Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College, Hospital and Research Centre, Salod, Wardha, Maharashtra, India
Ativisha consists of the dried tuberous root of the aconitum heterophyllum wall. ex royle of ranunculaceae family. a perennial herb native and endemic to western himalayas. it is popular drug that is extensively used in ayurvedic pediatric medicine, specially used in respiratory disorders, fever, diarrhoea and vomiting in children. the fact that the suppliers of crude herbal materials are mostly traders having limited knowledge of their true identity. due to unavailability and high cost, they use their substitutes and adulterants in order to get more and more benefits. children's being more vulnerable, special care has to be taken in selecting the drugs. this paper includes preliminary pharmacognostical but very important aspects to ensure the standard and quality assurance of the raw drug of ativisha. preliminary comparative pharmacognostic study of genuine and adulterant raw material in ativisha. here the sample genuine ativisha with both small and big sized starch grains and taste is bitter followed by salivation in the mouth it may official ativisha. where the other sample with big starch grains with sweet taste may be an adulterated market sample sold under the name of ativisha.
Ativisha, Aconitumheterophyllum, Quality assurance, Adulteration