DOI: 10.22270/jmpas.V10I4.1280


The Medical Physicist - Scientist behind the Curtain

Anurag Luharia*, Dr. Gaurav V. Mishra, Dr. Bhushan Lakhkar

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Maharashtra, India


Ionizing radiation has validated its existence and effectiveness in modern medicine for both diagnostic and therapeutic use. For the last decade rapid growth in medical radiation application has witnessed in India towards the betterment of mankind, for safe and quality clinical practice, radiation protection and quality assurance. At the end of the 19th century Physics brought paradigm shift in the field of radiation-based medical diagnosis and treatment and giving rise to the modern medical physicist profession and revolutionized the practice of medicine. Medical Physicists are the scientists with Post graduation / PhD degrees, and certified from A.E.R.B as Radiological Safety Officer, deals with utilization of Physics knowledge in developing not only lifesaving tools & technology but also diagnosis and treatments of various medical conditions that help humans live longer and healthier. Medical Physicists are responsible to carry out the commissioning, establishment of entire Radiation facility and get the clearance of statutory compliances form authorities in order to start the clinical practice are also responsible for research, developing and evaluating new analytical techniques, planning and ensuring safe and accurate treatment of patients also provide advice about radiation protection, training and updating healthcare, scientific and technical staff , managing radiotherapy quality assurance program, mathematical modeling ,maintaining equipment ,writing reports, teaching ,laboratory management and administration. Now it’s a time to raise the curtain from the Medical Physics profession and utilize their services up to maximum extent in the field of scientific research, academic, teaching, diagnosis, treatment and safety.


Medical Physicist, Scientific research, Physics, Radiation

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