DOI: 10.22270/jmpas.V10I4.1420


QSAR studies of some Substituted Imidazole Derivatives as Potent Antifungal Agents

Sumeet Prachand*, Sanjay Jain, Hemant Khambete, Arun K Gupta

Medi-Caps University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


Fracture of distal radius is the commonest fracture present in the upper limb. In fact, it is most commonly treated by the doctor. An outstretched hand is the most common cause of distal radius or wrist fractures. The fracture of distal radius can also lead to nerve injury mostly median nerve. Physical Therapy plays important role which provides positive effect in treating post fracture cases. A case of 45 years female is presented in this report who had a fall over right wrist joint and diagnosed with distal radius fracture and operated conservatively results into pain over wrist joint, decrease in physical activities. Rehabilitation protocol is explained below in the report. We report that there were improvement in patient outcomes level increases in muscles strength, provide pain relief and improvement in patient functional Independence.


QSAR, Drug Design, Imidazole

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