DOI: 10.22270/jmpas.V10I4.1216


Cardiovascular causes of death during Covid -19

Amisha Bhasme, Grishma Dhingra*, Praful Patil

Datta Meghe Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


Coronaviruses are RNA viruses that are related to one another. COVID-19 is one such virus from the same family. It is a massive virus that infects humans and causes respiratory problems. It is very contagious and has been shown to be lethal to humans. The first case of COVID-19, also known as SARS-COV-2, was discovered in Wuhan, China. In December 2019, the globe was confronted with a new pandemic situation, which has since expanded globally. The situation has gotten worse in recent years. Aside from respiratory illnesses, there are a number of other conditions that have contributed to patients' higher mortality. Cardiovascular problems are one such risk. Inflammatory effects on the heart have also been mentioned, in addition to respiratory issues. Hypoxia, hypertension, myocardial injury, myocarditis, and other cardiac diseases are among the major cardiac consequences documented. SARS-COV-2 is more likely to infect those with cardiovascular diseases.


Inflammatory effects, myocarditis, infect, abnormalities, Covid patients, Myocardial damage

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