DOI: 10.22270/jmpas.VIC1I1.1931


Effect of supercritical fluid extract of Zingiber officinalis in the management of diabetes and its related complications

Vishnu S Neharkar*, Aniket A Garud, Sanjay G Walode

Rasiklal M. Dhariwal Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research Chinchwad, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Diabetes mellitus is referred as diabetes which is the metabolic disorder. Major symptoms of diabetes include increased urination & thrust, head ache, high degree of sudden weight loss. Due to increase in blood glucose levels it causes trigger of various pathways which ultimately leads to various diabetic complications. Pathways like which includes Polyol Pathway, Hexosamine Pathway, Activation of PK-C (Protein Kinase-C), & formation of Advance Glycation End Products. For the diagnosis of diabetes two major tests are done blood glucose level and Glycated hemoglobin content (HbA1c). Ayurveda is the super bank for various molecules to treat any disease. Here we have chosen the super critical fluid extract of Ginger that is Zingiber Officinale. In our study we have used Streptozotocin induced diabetes mellitus model by using rats. Our result showed promising effects in the streptozotocine induced diabetes and immunomodulatory activity was also shown by the extract. Overall in conclusion it Zingiber Officinale supercritical fluid extract can be considered as source of multitalented molecules which can be proven better for the management of diabetes and its related complications.


Diabetes, STZ, Immunomodulatory effect, Ginger, Zingiber Officinale, Supercritical fluid

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