DOI: 10.22270/jmpas.2021.V10S2.2035


Yoga for holistic treatment of polycystic ovarian syndrome

Savita P Patil*, Bijendra Singh, Jyoti Bisht, Shipra Gupta, Rupa Khanna

SGRR University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India


Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is very common in women and people who I am close to having this disease. One in three women of reproductive age has this disease in the entire globe. COD, besides having many immediate health risks, also causes anxiety, depression and other mental health problems. As a woman, I can empathize with what other women have to live with because of this disease. I have been practicing Yoga for many years now and can feel the benefits of it. While practicing Yoga, I marvel that our great civilization has given us this treasure that can be so useful to many people living both in our country and abroad. PCOD can happen due to hormonal changes, lifestyle habits, and since I have felt the benefits of practicing Yoga on myself, I was curious to understand if it can treat PCOD. To my amazement, it does. I am therefore submitting my research paper on how Yoga can holistically treat PCOD.


PCOD, Yoga, Obesity, Insulin, Holistic treatment.

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