DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I1.2308


A systematic review on SARS-COVID-2: Risk and its comorbidities

Dharani Shrinivasan VP, Kameswaran Ramalingam, Senthil Madasamy, Sambathkumar Ramanathan

J.K.K.Nattraja College of Pharmacy, Kumarapalayam, Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India


Since 2019 November, an outbreak of COVID-19 arose and became a major public health emergency of international concern. A comprehensive case series from China was published by the New Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Epidemiology Team, which indicated an overall fatality rate of 2.3 percent, which climbed to 6.0 percent in persons with high blood pressure. The elderly and people with underlying medical problems, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses. An electronic literature search was carried out by the search engines like PUBMED, Google scholar, etc. Comorbidities included in this study such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, cardiovascular risk factors, cerebrovascular conditions. The result was that most of the comorbid causes were hypertension. By the above systemic review, it was concluded that the most comorbid condition is hypertension followed by diabetes mellitus, hence the mortality rate also seems to be higher in these two cases.


COVID-19, Comorbidities, Clinical investigations, Morbidity and mortality, Hypertension and diabetes mellitus

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