DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I1.2655


Propofol-an alternative to sevoflurane for laryngeal mask airway insertion in children

Amit Pradhan, Ayesha Pattnaik, Sarat C Jayasingh, Sidharth S Routray, Abhishek Barpanda

SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha, India


Supraglottic devices like laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is used in children for anesthesia as it induces least hemodynamic stress response. We have carried out this trial to measure the potency of induction agents like propofol with sevoflurane for conditions of LMA placement in pediatric surgery. 60 children were included in our study and were split into two groups. Children in group S were induced with sevoflurane 8vol%. Children in group P were induced with propofol at 3 mg/kg IV. Proper size of LMA was inserted. Induction time, insertion time, LMA placement conditions and hemodynamic abnormalities were assessed. Induction time was shorter with group P contrary to S group. (p<0>0.05) There was no remarkable difference in various LMA insertion conditions and LMA insertion score in both groups. Hemodynamic changes were comparable in group S and P. Propofol and sevoflurane revealed equivalent and suitable LMA placement settings. So propofol may be a good substitute to sevoflurane for placement of LMA in children in a recourse limited setting.


Sevoflurane, Propofol, Laryngeal mask airway, Children

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