DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11I2.2309


Impact of meditation on mental & physical health and thereby on academic performance of students: a study of higher educational institutions of Uttarakhand

Priti Sharma, Rupa Khanna Malhotra, Mohit Kumar Ojha, Shipra Gupta

Graphic Era Deemed to be University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India


Background and Purpose finding out why people choose to engage in mindfulness-based practises can help in the development of effective health promotion outreach efforts. The impact of health attitudes and perceived stress on the intention to practise mindfulness meditation among undergraduate college students in Uttarakhand was studied in this study. Experimental Approach the research is descriptive in nature based upon primary data. A total of 15 aspects have been studied to assess the impact of meditation on mental & emotional state, physical & psychological wellbeing and academic performance of students. For collection of data, convenience sampling technique has been used. Data has been collected via mail survey using questionnaire technique. Descriptive analysis has been conducted to fulfil the objective of the study, where SPSS version 21 was used for data analysis. Key results indicate that meditation has a positive impact on improving mental & emotional state of students, at the same time it leads to better physical and psychological health. As a result of this, the academic performance of students also enhances, where they are able to perform better in their academics. Conclusion and Implications meditation is a beneficial method to reduce stress and boost creativity. It also promotes physical stamina to battle sickness. It also led to the improved academic performance of students; their confidence level, concentration level, memory power, focus, study ability and other related aspects were improved following meditation and mindfulness activities.


Meditation, Mindfulness-based practices, Mental & emotional state, Physical & psychological well-being, Academic performance

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