DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11S1.1290


Effectiveness of immediate physiotherapy post-split skin grafting in a patient with ankle and foot soft tissue injury

Rajeshwari Ade, Rakesh Krishna Kovela*, Mohammed Irshad Qureshi

Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Maharashtra, India.


Injuries to the soft tissue of ankle are very common and often present in the emergency room. The diagnosis is typically clinical, and 3-5 days after injury, delayed examination and reassessment is recommended as pain and swelling impede accurate evaluation immediately after injury. Treatment is normally non-operational with an emphasis on controlling swelling and discomfort of the ankle, and early rehabilitation of ankle movements. The present case report is of a male patient of 18 years old who suffered with an accidental right ankle injury at his work place. It was diagnosed as a soft tissue injury and slab was applied and immobilised for about a month. Split skin grafting surgery was done after removal of the slab and physiotherapy was started for regaining the lost range of motion of ankle. Immediate physiotherapy helped the patient to regain the active range of motion and prepare for efficient weight bearing activities. This case report adds a valid and relevant information to the literature of soft tissue injuries and physiotherapy management. Thus, would like to conclude that acute physiotherapy rehabilitation in soft tissue injuries plays a major role in early recovery.


Ankle Joint; Soft Tissue Injuries; Skin grafting; Physiotherapy; Rehabilitation.

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