DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11S1.1319


Bilateral open tibia fracture fixed with external fixator with COVID -19

Neha Chitale, Deepak Jain, Pratik Phansopkar*, Kiran Kumar

Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Maharashtra, India


Road Traffic accidents is one of the major causes of musculoskeletal injuries. Tibia is the weight bearing joint which transmits axial weight to ankle joint. The Major bones of lower limb include Tibia, Fibula and femur. Tibia is the long bone which connects knee joint and ankle joint. In an Open fracture External fixation is the choice of treatment because of the soft tissue and bone loss and communication and contamination. A 39-year-old male, driver by profession admitted in orthopaedic male ward was referred to physiotherapy department. He was bought to the emergency department with bilateral tibia visible on observation, severe pain in tibial region and soft tissue and blood loss. Investigations were done RT-PCR for COVID-19 and Xray. This case report is of a 39 year male with COVID-19 and bilateral open fracture of tibia fibula operated with external fixator. Rehabilitation aim was to make the patient ambulate as soon as possible and to avoid secondary complication. Physiotherapy has significant effect on maintaining the strength of the muscles as well the endurance of prolong bedridden patients. Early physiotherapy should be started to maintain the strength and endurance.


Rehabilitation, Tibia Fracture, Bilateral External fixator, Covid-19.

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