DOI: 10.55522/jmpas.V11S1.1333


Efficacy of physiotherapy rehabilitation in grade-3 ACL injury after reconstruction

Nikita Kaple, Snehal S. Samal, Neha Chitale, Pratik Phansopkar, Sakshi P. Arora

Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Wardha, Maharashtra, India


In knee joint ACL is the key structure, as it is important to allow for normal movement, as it resists ACL function as the primary restrain against anterior translation and rotational load, The posterolateral bundle is taut when the knee is close to maximum extension; when the knee flexes, the posterolateral bundle loosens and the anteromedial bundle tightens. In normal Anterior cruciate ligament, there are two bundles an Anteromedial bundle and Posterolateral bundle. It results in different portion of ligament are taut, and therefore functional throughout ROM. The treatment of anterior cruciate ligament damage is done by reconstruction. The case of 24-year-old male had a history of twisting injury to his knee while playing football which led to partial tear of ACL, minimal joint effusion along the periarticular surface of the right knee. Patient was brought by the relatives in the casualty. After that x-ray and MRI were done which showed the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the right knee is completely torn. A full anterior cruciate ligament tear in the right knee was diagnosed in the patient. Therapeutic intervention for the patient comprised of patient education, range of motion exercise, strength building exercise, cryotherapy. Final outcome of all the intervention showed improvement in function. Patient cooperation was great during the therapeutic period and now the patient is able to maintain his consistency in his running practice. The outcomes measures of the physical therapy intervention progressed him in an enhanced athlete with return to his sports.


Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear, Rehabilitation, Sports Injury and Knee, Reconstruction

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